dimecres, 16 de desembre del 2009

This Thursday there is one of the most important party's in Wonder called MEGACAMPANADA. All the students are going to go in this party in order to celebrate that holidays are going to start. Most of the students have dinner and after they do to the disco. The ticket of this party costs 8 euros, and you can buy it at the university. But, if you buy the ticket in the disco, it will cost 10 euros. It will be fantastic.

So, come on! Buy the ticket!

dilluns, 30 de novembre del 2009


Yesterday took place the most important match between Futbol Club Barcelona and Real Madrid. The match was very interessant because in the first half there was no goals and the fans were so nervous. The match was very equal but finally showed who really were the champions. In the Second half there was no changes but in the minute forty-eight Guardiola, the coach changed Henry for Ibrahimovic and he opened the Scoreboard.
So, again Futbol Club Barcelona showed who were the real champions!

If you want to watch again the goal:

dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2009

P L A Y E D & W O N ! ! !

Next Sunday it's going to take place the most important match between Futbol Club Barcelona and Real Madrid. The match is going to be at 7 o'clock on Sunday. We have to remember that in the last match beetween these two teams Futbol Club Barcelona was the winner but now we have some leaves. I think that although some important players can't play we are going to win the football match because, it's simply, we are better than Real Madrid.
Moreover on Thursday Futbol Club Barcelona has another important apointment in Italy Between Inter de Milan. We have to win the match if we want to continue in the Champions league. In my opinion we have to work a lot if we want to win it because the other team has the same problem if they don't win the match they also can't continue in Champions league. So, the only thing that I want to say it's so easy: GOOD LUCK!!


dilluns, 16 de novembre del 2009



Very long time ago, in a town called Torrebesses was born a little monster, Ruben. That was in almost twenty years. The legend tells that every 20th of November, the day which is the monster birthday we have to go out, we have to make a party and we have to have a good time! The legend also tells that if you don't do it, if you break the tradition you have seven years of bad luck.
So, on Thursday: GREAT PARTY!

dilluns, 9 de novembre del 2009


Today we inform you about how to go abroad and why you have to do it. If you want to improve your level or you want to know the traditions, the culture...of another country the best way to do it is going to it. Going there you can learn the language and also the culture and their traditions. To go there you have a lot of facilities because in the time that we live the flights are really cheap. Once there you have lots of chances to live in the city:

If you want to practice the language, improve your level and earn some money you can do an Au pair (An aupair will typically be a young woman and sometimes a young man from a foreign country who chooses to help looking after the children of a host family and provide light housekeeping. The aupair is given room and is typically paid every week.) but if you only want to earn some money you can ask for a job. On the other hand if you only want to improve you level and you don't need to earn money you can go to an academy to make a course.
Here you have some websites if you want to go abroad:

dilluns, 26 d’octubre del 2009


There's no other way to begin better than we do: announcing a party!!

This Thursday all university students are called to attend one of the most waited parties in Lleida: AGROCASTANYADA.

We hope you to have a good time, because we'll have it!!!

See you there



We're Ruben, Berta and Anna. In this Blog we want to talk about what we do at the university and out of it.