dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2009

P L A Y E D & W O N ! ! !

Next Sunday it's going to take place the most important match between Futbol Club Barcelona and Real Madrid. The match is going to be at 7 o'clock on Sunday. We have to remember that in the last match beetween these two teams Futbol Club Barcelona was the winner but now we have some leaves. I think that although some important players can't play we are going to win the football match because, it's simply, we are better than Real Madrid.
Moreover on Thursday Futbol Club Barcelona has another important apointment in Italy Between Inter de Milan. We have to win the match if we want to continue in the Champions league. In my opinion we have to work a lot if we want to win it because the other team has the same problem if they don't win the match they also can't continue in Champions league. So, the only thing that I want to say it's so easy: GOOD LUCK!!